Monday, September 22, 2008

You are Portuguese when?

Alguem mando-me isto e achei interessante. Espero que goste.

Joao Manuel Dias

You Know You're Portuguese When...
- Your mother or grandmother has Maria in her name.
You have a rooster napkin holder.
Your father or grandfather is called Manuel, José, Antonio, or João.
You have crocheted doilies on your kitchen counters, dining room, living room, bedroom--on all your tables.
You decorate your walls with plates.-Your house is a mini church with just as may statues of saints and Jesus as your church itself.
You're 25 and still living with your parents. (Extra points if you're married and living with your spouse in your parent's house)
You baptize your child and send him to catechism even though you might never go to church except for weddings and funerals.
You think all university graduates should be called "Doutor" and like to be called so if you are one of the chosen few who have managed to finish college.
You think that you can catch a cold with a draft or by sitting in the spring sun. Cold drinks are also thought to bring on the dreadful "gripe". And don't let anyone have a shower after eating as something terrible could happen to them.
You think Brazilians speak incorrect Portuguese and will not read a book written in Brazilian Portuguese.
You say that the Portuguese, unlike the Spanish, are good at learning foreign languages.
Your parents own like 9 houses in Portugal but complain about the lack of money in the States.
Going to Portugal involves buying gifts for all 500 members of your family.
You go crazy for the World Cup.
You refer to Portugal as "O Continent".
You've walked in "as paradas" longer than you can remember…carrying a flag or as a queen.
You have grape vines in your backyard.
You earned over $10,000 for your first communion.
To hell with the Turkey and Roast Beef! X-mas dinner was bacalhau au braz, baby!
A barbeque does not consist of burgers on the grill... Hello! Can you say sardinhas?
A wooden spoon equals discipline, or if you ever had to duck so you wouldn't get hit with flying shoes.
Your parents anticipate that you'll marry your first long-term boyfriend/girlfriend.
When you hear the word "Sagres" you think Beer.
Nothing beats a buttered papo-seco.
Your 15 year old brother is allowed to have two girls sleep over, but your 19 year old sister can't go out past 7pm.
Your grandmother tells you look sick because you are too thin.
Your parents make you eat 3 servings of dinner at each sitting otherwise they think you don't like the cooking.
Last supper picture in the kitchen, usually above the door frame.- plastic coverings on the couches.
You call hamburgers - AMBERGA.
Instead of garbage being called "Lixo" it is called "Garbicho".
When you pick up a relative at the airport coming from Portugal, they always smell like mothballs.
You can hold more than one beer in your hand, plus a shot of Aniz.Y
ou know and own all of Jorge Ferreira's albums.
Don't eat with money on the table it is bad luck.
The mirrors in your house are framed in gold.
Does any one in your family make wine in their garage???
If you dip stale bread in meat juice.
If your brother and/or father work construction and your mother is a cleaner.
If you have a room in your house where everyone is forbidden to go to or be in and the room with your first communion picture.
If you have grape vines, favas, or couves growing in your back Yard.
If you talk with your hands while you're on the phone...or just in General.
If you drink wine with everything.... I MEAN EVERYTHING...
If you have a "tia Maria" and/or "tio José”.
In your freezer. There is some frozen linguisa or any fish.
If your house has more plants in it than outside it of it.
If you decorate your walls with plates...Tu és Português!!!
If you know what Bacalhau or a Malassada/Filhós is-If you spend 75% of the day're Portuguese!
If your live-in kitchen is in your basement..
If you ask your mom "mãe...what is there to eat?" and she says "pão com Manteiga e queijo”.
You believe that you’ll get a “gripe” if you go outside after a bath/shower-believing that drinking milk after eating a "figo" can kill you.
When you were young your grandma would tell you not to walk over someone’s legs or else they wont grow
If you have ever been hit by a "Chinela " or "Fivela" or wooden spoon.
If you grew up scared by something called "O Velho".
If others tell you to stop screaming when you are really just talking.
If you light a candle to the Virgin Mary on the night before your big test.
If you use your chin to point something out.
If you constantly refer to cereal as "con flacs or chirios (pronounced Shi-re-oj)."-
If your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you for dinner, even if it's a one bedroom apartment.
If you can dance foklorico or rancho without music.
If you use "mantega" instead of olive oil and can't figure out why your ancas are getting bigger.-If whenever you feel under the weather, you compulsively dab on some "Vic's vapor rub" all over your peito and inside your nostrils.
Your mom packs your "lanche" every day even though you've just turned thirty-two.
If you call the corner store "a estoua dos indianos."

Monday, September 8, 2008


Começamos com este pequeno espaço, para que você possa participar. Aqui você tem a oportunidade de livremente expressar as suas opiniões. Pedimos que utilize o maximo de respeito, para as opiniões e sugestões de outros participantes.

Radio Portugal USA reserva o direito de retirar qualquer "posting" devido ao seu conteudo.


Saturday, September 6, 2008


No passado dias 16 e 17 de Agosto, realizou-se na cidade de Turlock a Festa em Louvor a Nossa Senhora da Assuncao. Como ja e de conhecimento da Comunidade local, esta festa traz sempre um grande numero de emigrantes a este local, e durante este fim de semana com muita fe e devocao, louvam a Sra.

Sabado a noite, em palco a presenca pela primeira vez na California da Artista Susana e Arlindo Andrade, artista da costa leste ja conhecido. Estes dois artistas foram contratados pela VIP AUDIO PRODUCTIONS, INC., firma com a missao de promover e realizar eventos musicais.

Ainda em palco, esteve presente e contratado directamente pela direccao da festa, Erminio Lemos, artista local e tambem ja conhecido nestas areas.

Depois da actuacao de Ermino Lemos e Arlindo Andrade, esteve em palco Susana que de imediato consquistou a audiencia.

Espectaculo que foi bem recebido por toda a audiencia. Pena foi a decisao da organizacao de ter no Domingo, um baile dentro do salao, ao mesmo tempo que estes artistas actuavam.

Susana partiu para Portugal satisfeita e tornou-se artista exclusiva da VIP AUDIO PRODUCTIONS, INC.